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Course Highlights

This impeccable Azure BI Training course is carefully designed for aspiring BI Developers, Consultants and Azure Professionals. This Azure BI Online Training includes basic to advanced Azure Data Factory (ADF)Azure StorageAzure Data Lake (ADL) and Azure Analysis Services (AAS) concepts with Real-time Project on End to End Implementation. This Azure BI Online Training course also includes Azure MigrationsAzure DataWarehouse (ADW) [Azure Synapse]Azure Data Bricks for Big Data Analytics, helpful for your next Job as well as to reshape your resume.

Complete practical and realtime Azure BI Training course with 24×7 LIVE server, Resume Guidance, ONE Real-time Project with Interview & Placement Assistance.

Training highlights

  • Azure Fundamentals
  • Azure SQL Concepts
  • Azure AD
  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Data Factory
  • Azure Synapse
  • Data Lake Storage
  • Stream Analytics
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Python, Scala
  • End to End Real-time Project @ Resume
  • Azure AD
  • Azure Migrations
  • Azure Key Vaults
  • Azure Notebooks
  • Azure Synapse
  • Azure Storage
  • Data Lake Analytics
  • IoT, Event Hubs
  • Azure Databricks
  • Spark Clusters

Course Content

Azure BI Training
Course Contents:

Module 1: SQL Server & T-SQL Queries Training Content For Plan C


  • Data, Databases and RDBMS Software
  • Database Types : OLTP, DWH, OLAP
  • Microsoft SQL Server Advantages, Use
  • Versions and Editions of SQL Server
  • SQL : Purpose, Real-time Usage Options
  • SQL Versus Microsoft T-SQL [MSSQL]
  • Microsoft SQL Server – Career Options
  • SQL Server Components and Usage
  • Database Engine Component and OLTP
  • BI Components, Data Science Components
  • ETL, MSBI and Power BI Components
  • Course Plan, Concepts, Resume, Project
  • 24 x 7 Online Lab for Remote DB Access
  • Software Installation Pre-Requisites


  • SQL Server & SSMS Installation Plan
  • SQL Server Pre-requisites : S/W, H/W
  • SQL Server 2022 & 2019 Installation
  • Instance Name and Server Features
  • Instances : Types and Properties
  • Default Instance, Named Instances
  • Service and Service Account Use
  • Authentication Modes and Logins
  • Windows Logins and SQL Logins
  • SQL Server Management Studio
  • Server Connections with SSMS Tool
  • Local and Remote Connections
  • System Databases: Master and Model
  • MSDB, TempDB, Resource Databases

Ch 3: SSMS Tool, SQL BASICS – 1

  • Creating Databases: Files [MDF, LDF]
  • Creating Tables in User Interface
  • Data Insertion & Report in User Interface
  • SQL : Purpose and Real-time Usage
  • SQL Versus T-SQL : Basic Differences
  • Creating SSMS Sessions : SPID
  • Create, Connect Databases using SQL
  • Creating Tables with INT, CHAR
  • Data Storage, Inserts – Basic Level
  • Table Data Verifications with Select
  • SELECT Statement for Table Retrieval
  • Identify Databases and Tables
  • Identify Sessions and Session ID

Ch 4: SQL BASICS – 2

  • Creating Tables: VARCHAR, FLOAT
  • Single Row Inserts, Multi Row Inserts
  • Rules for Data Insertion Statements
  • SELECT with WHERE Conditions
  • AND and OR Operators Usage
  • IN Operator and NOT IN Operator
  • Between, Not Between Operators
  • LIKE and NOT LIKE Operators
  • Basic Sub Queries with SELECT
  • UPDATE Statement & Conditions
  • DELETE & TRUNCATE Statements
  • ALTER, ADD COLUMN Statements
  • DROP Statements: Table, Database

Ch 5: SQL Basics – 3, TSQL INTRO

  • Database Objects : Tables and Schemas
  • Schemas : Group Tables in Database
  • Schemas : Security Management Object
  • Creating Schemas & Batch Concept
  • Using Schemas for Table Creation
  • Data Storage in Tables with Schemas
  • Data Retrieval & Usage with Schemas
  • Table Migrations across Schemas
  • Import and Export Wizard in SSMS
  • Data Imports with Excel File Data
  • Performing Bulk Operations in SSMS
  • Temporary Tables : Real-time Use
  • Local and Global Temporary Tables
  • # and ## Prefix, Scope of Usage


  • Constraints and Keys – Data Integrity
  • NULL, NOT NULL Property on Tables
  • UNIQUE KEY Constraints: Importance
  • PRIMARY KEY Constraint: Importance
  • FOREIGN KEY Constraint: Importance
  • Candidate Keys and Identity Property
  • Database Diagrams and ER Models
  • Relationships Verification and Links
  • Indexes : Basic Types and Creation
  • Index Sorting and Search Advantages
  • Clustered and NonClustered Indexes
  • Primary Key and Unique Key Indexes
  • Need for Indexes – working with Keys


  • JOINS – Table Comparisons Queries
  • INNER JOINS For Matching Data
  • OUTER JOINS For (non) Match Data
  • Join Queries with “ON” Conditions
  • Left Outer Joins – Example Queries
  • Right Outer Joins – Example Queries
  • FULL Outer Joins: Realtime Scenarios
  • One-way, Two way Data Comparisons
  • Table Aliases with Join Queries
  • Using Table Aliases & Column Aliases
  • Optimizing Join Queries with Indexes
  • Choosing Correct Comparison Columns
  • Joining Unrelated Tables in TSQL


  • GROUP BY: Importance, Realtime Use
  • GROUP BY Queries and Aggregations
  • Group By Queries with Having Clause
  • Group By Queries with Where Clause
  • Using WHERE and HAVING in T-SQL
  • Using Group By in Data Audits
  • Using Group By with Joins – 2 Tables
  • Linked Servers Configurations
  • Linked Servers: RPC Settings & Tests
  • Data Access & Windows Security
  • Linked Servers, Remote Joins in TSQL
  • Multi Server Connections, DB Access
  • 2 Part, 3 Part, 4 Part Naming Styles
  • Remote Joins Queries and Aliases


  • Database Objects: Overview & Usage
  • Views: Types, Usage in Real-time
  • Creating, Executing & Verifying Views
  • DML Operatons with Views
  • Using WITH CHECK OPTION in Views
  • System Predefined Views and Audits
  • databases, sys.schemas, sys.tables
  • Variables – Purpose & Usage
  • Variables – Declaration and Data Retreival
  • Table Variables : Declaration, Usage
  • Data Types – Numeric, Character Types
  • Data Types – Decimal, Floating Types
  • Data Types – Date and Time Data Types
  • Cursor Data Type and Realtime Use


  • Using Variables in Real-time
  • Understand & Use Parameters
  • Procedures: Usage in Real-time
  • Creating and Executing Stored Procs
  • Using Parameters in SQL Server
  • Functions: Creation, Usage in Real-time
  • Using table Data Type with Functions
  • Functions for Dynamic, Condition Joins
  • Implement Parameterized Joins
  • Data and Time Functions with Queries
  • String Functions & Usage in TSQL
  • Verify Database Objects; sp_helpdb
  • sp_help, sp_helptext, sp_helpindex
  • sp_help, sp_rename, sp_recompile


  • Triggers – Purpose, Real-world Usage
  • FOR/AFTER Triggers – Real time Use
  • INSTEAD OF Triggers – Real time Use
  • INSERTED, DELETED Memory Tables
  • Using Triggers for Data Replication
  • Enable Triggers and Disable Triggers
  • Database Level, Server Level Triggers
  • Transactions : Types, ACID Properties
  • Transaction Types and AutoCommit
  • EXPLICIT & IMPLICIT Transactions
  • COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements
  • Batch Concept and Go Statement
  • Using Transactions in Real-time
  • Using Conditional Commits, Rollbacks


  • First Normal Form and Atomicity
  • Third Normal Form and MVD Property
  • Boycee-Codd Normal Form : BNCF
  • Fourth Normal Form : Advantages
  • Self Reference Keys and 4 NF Usage
  • 1:1, 1:M, M:1, M:M Relationship Types
  • MERGE Statement – Comparing Tables
  • Incremental Load & MERGE Statement
  • UPSERT Operations with MERGE
  • DML Operations with ON Keyword
  • Comparing JOINS with MERGE
  • Stored Procedures for Merge Statement

Ch 13: TSQL Queries: Group By, Joins

  • Joins with Group By Queries in TSQL
  • Joining 4 Tables with Group By
  • Multi Table Joins with Table Aliases
  • Query Execution Order & Aliases
  • Joins with HAVING Conditions
  • Joins with WHERE & Aggregations
  • Joins with Sub Queries, Formatting
  • Joins with IIF() Function, Conditions
  • Joins with CASE Statement Conditions
  • UNION and UNION ALL Operator
  • Storing Queries in Database Views
  • Excel Office Data Connection Reports
  • Manual Data Refresh in Excel Reports

Ch 14: Architecture, Cursors & CTEs

  • Database Architecture : Data & Log Files
  • Secondary Data Files (ndf) & Table Data
  • Filegroups: Realtime Use, Data Mapping
  • Using Filegroups for Table Creations
  • File Size, Max Size and Auto Growth
  • Log Files (ldf) : Realtime Usage, Sizing
  • Cursors – Benefits, Cursors in SProcs
  • Using Cursors in Real-world Scenarios
  • Cursors : Declaring Variables, Life Cycle
  • Declaration, Open / Close Cursors
  • CTE: Common Table Expressions
  • Real-time Scenarios with CTEs – Usage
  • Using CTEs for Data Retrieval, SELECT
Case Study 1 – Database, Table Design
(Involves All concepts from Ch 1 to 7)
Case Study 2 – Query Writing
(Involves All concepts from Ch 1 to 14)

Module 2: Power BI Training Content For Plan A, B,C

Part 1: Power BI Report Design


  • Power BI Job Roles in Real-time
  • Power BI Data Analyst Job Roles
  • Business Analyst – Job Roles
  • Power BI Developer – Job Roles
  • Power BI for Data Scientists
  • Comparing MSBI and Power BI
  • Comparing Tableau and Power BI
  • MCSA 70-778, MCSA 70-779 Exam
  • Types of Reports in Real-World
  • Interactive & Paginated Reports
  • Analytical & Mobile Reports
  • Data Sources Types in Power BI
  • Power BI Licensing Plans – Types
  • Power BI Training : Lab Plan
  • Power BI Dev & Prod Environments


  • Power BI Desktop Installation
  • Data Sources & Visual Types
  • Canvas, Visualizations and Fields
  • Get Data and Memory Tables
  • In-Memory xvelocity Database
  • Table and Tree Map Visuals
  • Format Button and Data Labels
  • Legend, Category and Grid
  • PBIX and PBIT File Formats
  • Visual Interaction, Data Points
  • Disabling Visual Interactions
  • Edit Interactions – Format Options
  • CSV and PDF Exports. Tooltips
  • Power BI EcoSystem, Architecture

Ch 3 : Visual Sync, Grouping

  • Slicer Visual : Real-time Usage
  • Orientation, Selection Properties
  • Single & Multi Select, CTRL Options
  • Slicer : Number, Text and Date Data
  • Slicer List and Slicer Dropdowns
  • Visual Sync Limitations with Slicer
  • Disabling Slicers,Clear Selections
  • Grouping : Real-time Use, Examples
  • List Grouping and Binning Options
  • Grouping Static / Fixed Data Values
  • Grouping Dynamic / Changing Data
  • Bin Size and Bin Limits (Max, Min)
  • Bin Count and Grouping Options
  • Grouping Binned Data, Classification

Ch 4 : Hierarchies, Filters

  • Creating Hierarchies in Power BI
  • Independent Drill-Down Options
  • Dependant Drill-Down Options
  • Conditional Drilldowns, Data Points
  • Drill Up Buttons and Operations
  • Expand & Show Next Level Options
  • Dynamic Data Drills Limitations
  • Show Data and See Records
  • Filters : Types and Usage in Real-time
  • Visual Filter, Page Filter, Report Filter
  • Basic, Advanced and TOP N Filters
  • Category and Summary Level Filters
  • DrillThru Filters, Drill Thru Reports
  • Keep All Filters” Options in DrillThru
  • CrossReport Filters, Include, Exclude

Ch 5 : Bookmarks, Azure, Modeling

  • Drill-thru Filters, Page Navigations
  • Bookmarks : Real-time Usage
  • Bookmarks for Visual Filters
  • Bookmarks for Page Navigations
  • Selection Pane with Bookmarks
  • Buttons, Images with Actions
  • Buttons, Actions and Text URLs
  • Bookmarks View & Selection Pane
  • OLTP Databases, Big Data Sources
  • Azure Database Access, Reports
  • Import & Direct Query with Power BI
  • SQL Queries and Enter Data
  • Data Modeling : Currency, Relations
  • Summary, Format, Synonyms
  • Web View & Mobile View in PBI

Ch 6 : Visualization Properties

  • Stacked Charts and Clustered Charts
  • Line Charts, Area Charts, Bar Charts
  • 100% Stacked Bar & Column Charts
  • Map Visuals: Tree, Filled, Bubble
  • Cards, Funnel, Table, Matrix
  • Scatter Chart : Play Axis, Labels
  • Series Clusters & Selections
  • Waterfall Chart and ArcGIS Maps
  • Infographics, Icons and Labels
  • Color Saturation, Sentiment Colors
  • Column Series, Column Axis in Lines
  • Join Types : Round, Bevel, Miter
  • Shapes, Markers, Axis, Plot Area
  • Display Units,Data Colors,Shapes
  • Series, Custom Series and Legends

Part 2: ETL, Data Modeling, DAX


  • Power Query M Language Purpose
  • Power Query Architecture and ETL
  • Data Types, Literals and Values
  • Power Query Transformation Types
  • Table & Column Transformations
  • Text & Number Transformations
  • Date, Time and Structured Data
  • List, Record and Table Structures
  • let, source, in statements @ M Lang
  • Power Query Functions, Parameters
  • Invoke Functions, Execution Results
  • Get Data, Table Creations and Edit
  • Merge and Append Transformations
  • Join Kinds, Advanced Editor, Apply
  • ETL Operations with Power Query


  • Query Duplicate, Query Reference
  • Group By and Advanced Options
  • Aggregations with Power Query
  • Transpose, Header Row Promotion
  • Reverse Rows and Row Count
  • Data Type Changes & Detection
  • Replace Columns: Text, NonText
  • Replace Nulls: Fill Up, Fill Down
  • PIVOT, UNPIVOT Transformations
  • Move Column and Split Column
  • Extract, Format and Numbers
  • Date & Time Transformations
  • Deriving Year, Quarter, Month, Day
  • Add Column : Query Expressions
  • Query Step Inserts and Step Edits


  • Creating Parameters in Power Query
  • Parameter Data Types, Default Lists
  • Static/Dynamic Lists For Parameters
  • Removing Columns and Duplicates
  • Convert Tables to List Queries
  • Linking Parameters to Queries
  • Testing Parameters and PBI Canvas
  • Multi-Valued Parameter Lists
  • Creating Lists in Power Query
  • Converting Lists to Table Data
  • Advanced Edits and Parameters
  • Data Type Conversions, Expressions
  • Columns From Examples, Indexes
  • Conditional Columns, Expressions

Ch 10 : DAX Functions – Level 1

  • DAX : Importance in Real-time
  • Real-world usage of Excel, DAX
  • DAX Architecture, Entity Sets
  • DAX Data Types, Syntax Rules
  • DAX Measures and Calculations
  • ROW Context and Filter Context
  • DAX Operators, Special Characters
  • DAX Functions, Types in Real-time
  • Vertipaq Engine, DAX Cheat Sheet
  • Creating, Using Measures with DAX
  • Creating, Using Columns with DAX
  • Quick Measures and Summaries
  • Validation Errors, Runtime Errors
  • Dynamic Expressions, IF in DAX

Ch 11 : DAX Functions – Level 2

  • Data Modeling Options in DAX
  • Detecting Relations for DAX
  • Using Calculated Columns in DAX
  • Using Aggregated Measures in DAX
  • Working with Facts & Measures
  • Modeling : Missing Relations
  • Modeling : Relation Management
  • CALCULATE Function Conditions
  • CALCULATE & ALL Member Scope
  • Entity Sets and Slicing in DAX
  • Dynamic Expressions, RETURN
  • Date, Time and Text Functions
  • Logical, Mathematical Functions
  • Running Total & EARLIER Function

Ch 12 : DAX FUNCTIONS Level 3

  • 1:1, 1:M and M:1 Relations
  • Connection with CSV, MS Access
  • DIVIDE, CALCULATE, Conditions
  • IF..ELSE..THEN Statement
  • SUM, DATEDIFF Examples in DAX
  • Time Intelligence Functions – DAX

Part 3: Power BI Cloud, Admin

Ch 13 : POWER BI CLOUD – 1

  • Power BI Service Architecture
  • Power BI Cloud Components, Use
  • App Workspaces, Report Publish
  • Reports & Related Datasets Cloud
  • Creating New Reports in Cloud
  • Report Publish and Report Uploads
  • Dashboards Creation and Usage
  • Adding Tiles to Dashboards
  • Pining Visuals and Report Pages
  • Visual Pin Actions in Dashboards
  • LIVE Page Interaction in Dashboard
  • Adding Media: Images, Custom Links
  • Adding Chs and Embed Links
  • API Data Sources, Streaming Data
  • Streaming Dataset Tiles (REST API)

Ch 14 : POWER BI CLOUD – 2

  • Dashboards Actions,Report Actions
  • DataSet Actions: Create Report
  • Share, Metrics and Exports
  • Mobile View & Dashboard Themes
  • Q & A [Cortana] and Pin Visuals
  • Export, Subscribe, Subscribe
  • Favorite, Insights, Embed Code
  • Featured Dashboards and Refresh
  • Gateways Configuration, PBI Service
  • Gateway Types, Cloud Connections
  • Gateway Clusters, Add Data Sources
  • Data Refresh : Manual, Automatic
  • PBIEngw Service, ODG Logs, Audits
  • DataFlows, Power Query Expressions
  • Adding Entities and JSON Files

Ch 15 : EXCEL & RLS

  • Import and Upload Options in Excel
  • Excel Workbooks and Dashboards
  • Datasets in Excel and Dashboards
  • Using Excel Analyzer in Power BI
  • Using Excel Publisher in PBI Cloud
  • Excel Workbooks, PINS in Power BI
  • Excel ODC Connections, Power Pivot
  • Row Level Security (RLS) with DAX
  • Need for RLS in Power BI Cloud
  • Data Modeling in Power BI Desktop
  • DAX Roles Creation and Testing
  • Adding Power BI Users to Roles
  • Custom Visualizations in Cloud
  • Histogram,Gantt Chart,Infographics

Ch 16 : Report Server, RDL

  • Need for Report Server in PROD
  • Install, Configure Report Server
  • Report Server DB, Temp Database
  • Webservice URL, Webportal URL
  • Creating Hybrid Cloud with Power BI
  • Using Power BI DesktopRS
  • Uploading Interactive Reports
  • Report Builder For Report Server
  • Report Builder For Power BI Cloud
  • Designing Paginated Reports (RDL)
  • Deploy to Power BI Report Server
  • Data Source Connections, Report
  • Power BI Report Server to Cloud
  • Tenant IDs Generation and Use
  • Mobile Report Publisher, Usage

Ch 17: MSBI Integrations

  • Power BI with SQL Server Source
  • Power BI with SQL Data Warehouse
  • Power BI with SSAS OLAP Server
  • Power BI with Azure SQL DB Source
  • Power BI with Azure SQL Warehouse
  • Power BI with Azure Analysis Server
  • Power BI with SSRS (RDL) Reports
  • Power BI Report Builder Tool
  • Installation & Configuration
  • Paginated Reports Design, Use
  • Data Sources, Datasets, RDL
  • Report Publish (RDL) to Cloud
  • Report Verifications, Data Sync
  • Interactive Vs Paginated Reports
  • Creating, Managing Alerts in Cloud


  • Project Requirement Analysis
  • Implementing SDLC Phases
  • Requirement Gathering, FSA

Phase 1:

  • PBIX Report Design
  • Visualizations, Properties
  • Analytics and Formating

Phase 2:

  • Data Modeling, Power Query
  • Dynamic Connections, Azure DB
  • Parameters and M Lang Scripts

Phase 3:

  • DAX Requirements, Analysis
  • Cloud and Report Server
  • Project FAQs and Solutions

Module 3: Azure Data Engineer Training Content For Plan A, B,C

Mod 1: Azure Data Factory [ADF], Synapse

Chapter 1: Cloud Basics, Azure SQL DB

  • Cloud Introduction and Azure Basics
  • Azure Implementation: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
  • Benefits of Azure Cloud Environment
  • Azure Data Engineer: Job Roles
  • Azure Storage Components
  • Azure ETL & Streaming Components
  • Need for Azure Data Factory (ADF)
  • Need for Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Azure Resources and Resource Types
  • Resource Groups in Azure Portal
  • Azure SQL Server [Logical Server]
  • Firewall Rules and Azure Services
  • Connections with SSMS & ADS Tools
  • Working with Azure Portal
  • Resource Group Navigations, Options

Chapter 2: Synapse SQL Pools (DWH)

  • Dedicated SQL Pools in Azure
  • Enterprise Data Warehouse with Synapse
  • DWU: Data Warehouse Units, Resources
  • Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)
  • Control Nodes and Compute Nodes
  • SQL Pool Access from SSMS Tool
  • T-SQL Queries @ SQL Pools
  • Start/Resume/Pause, Scaling Options
  • Creating Tables in Azure SQL Pool
  • Compression, MAX DOP & Indexes
  • Distributions: Round Robin, Hash
  • Distributions: Replicate and Usage
  • Data Imports with COPY Table
  • Dynamic Views (DMV) with PDW
  • Data Loads Monitoring, Resource Class

Chapter 3: Azure Data Factory Concepts

  • Azure Data Factory (ADF) Concepts
  • Hybrid Data Integration at Scale
  • ADF Pipeline Components & Usage
  • Configure ADF Resource in Azure
  • Understanding ADF Portal and IR
  • Linked Services and Connections
  • Datasets and Tables / Files for ETL
  • ADF Pipelines: Design, Publish & Trigger
  • ADF Pipeline with Copy Data Tool
  • Creating Azure Storage Account
  • Storage Container, BLOB File Uploads
  • Data Loads with Azure BLOB Files
  • DIU Allocations and Concurrency
  • Creating Linked Services, Datasets
  • Pipeline Trigger, Author and Monitor

Chapter 4: ADF Pipelines, Polybase

  • Copy Data Tool For ETL Operations
  • Azure SQL DB to Synapse Data Loads
  • Working with Multi Tables Data Loads
  • Query Options for Source Datasets
  • Transformations with Copy Data Tool
  • Rename, Rearrange & Remove Options
  • Pipeline Execution: DTU & DOCP
  • ADF Pipeline Monitoring Options
  • ADF Pipelines: Execution Settings
  • ADF Logging Options, Consistency Check
  • Compression Option, DOP and DOCP
  • ETL Staging Advantages & Performance
  • Staging with Storage Account, Container
  • ADF Pipeline Triggers and Monitoring
  • Polybase For Azure Synapse, Advantages

Chapter 5: OnPremise Data with ADF

  • On-Premise Data Sources with Azure
  • Self Hosted Integration Runtime (IR)
  • Access Keys, Remote Linked Services
  • Synapse SQL Pool (DW) with OnPremise
  • Staged Data Copy and Performance
  • Pipeline Executions and Monitoring
  • Pipeline RunIDs and Audits / Tracing
  • Incompatible Rows Skips, Fault Tolerance
  • Incremental Loads with Files (BLOB)
  • Pipeline Executions and Schedules
  • Regular Schedules and Tumbling Window
  • Execution Retry and Delay Options
  • Binary Copy, Last Modified Date in Blob
  • Automated Loops and Trigger Schedules
  • Incremental Loads Verification Tests

Chapter 6: ADF Data Flow – 1

  • Limitations with Copy Data Tool
  • Data Flow Task, Data Flow Activity
  • Transformations with Data Flow
  • Spark Cluster For Debugging
  • Cluster Node Configurations
  • Data Preview Options with DFT
  • SELECT Transformation & Options
  • JOIN Transformation and Usage
  • Conditional Split Transformation
  • Aggregate & Group By Transformations
  • Synapse Sink Options with DFT
  • DFT Optimization Techniques
  • Pipeline Debug Runs and ETL Testing
  • Spark Cluster For Pipeline Executions
  • Pipeline Monitoring & Run IDs

Chapter 7: ADF Data Flow – 2

  • ADF Pipelines For ETL Operations
  • Data Flow Tasks and Activities in Synapse
  • Pivot Transformation For Normalization
  • Generating Pivot Column, Aggregations
  • Pivot Transformation and Pivot Settings
  • Pivot Key Selection, Value and Nulls
  • Pivoted Columns and Column Pattern
  • Column Prefix, Help Graphic & Metadata
  • Window Functions & Usage in Data Flow
  • Rank / DenseRank / Row Number
  • Over Clause and Input Options
  • Derived Column Transformations
  • Exists & Lookup Transformations
  • Reusing Data Flow Tasks in Synapse
  • Pipeline Validations & Executions

Chapter 8: Azure Synapse Analytics

  • Azure Synapse Analytics Resource
  • Azure Synapse Analytics Workspace
  • Managed Resource Group, SQL Account
  • SQL Admin Account and its Purpose
  • Operations with Synapse Workspace
  • ADLS Gen 2 Storage Account, Container
  • Synapse Studio (Synapse Portal)
  • Dedicated SQL Pools & Spark Pools
  • Creating Dedicated SQL Pools
  • Synapse Tables, Data Loads with T-SQL
  • COPY INTO Statements with T-SQL
  • Clustered Column Store Indexes
  • Row Terminator and Compressions
  • T-SQL Queries and Aggregations
  • Aggregation Data Loads in Synapse

Chapter 9: Synapse Analytics with Spark

  • Apache Spark Pool in Azure Synapse
  • Spark Cluster Nodes: Vcores, Memory
  • Creating Spark Clusters @ Synapse Studio
  • Python Notebooks For Remote Access
  • Creating Databases in Apache Spark Pool
  • Data Loads from Dedicated SQL Pools
  • Table Creations, Aggregation Operations
  • PySpark Code for Data Operations, Writes
  • Serverless Pool in Azure Synapse
  • Connections, Usage with Serverless Pool
  • Using Azure OpenDatasets in Synapse
  • OPENROWSET and BULK Data Loads
  • Azure Storage Account : Data Analysis
  • Working with Parquet Files in Synapse
  • Python Notebooks (Pyspark) in Synapse

Chapter 10: Incremental Loads @ Synapse

  • Incremental Loads with Synapse Studio
  • Multi Table Merge Operations
  • On-Premise Data Sources & Timestamps
  • Azure SQL DB Destinations, Watermarks
  • Watermark Table Usage & Audits
  • Stored Procedures for Timestamp Updates
  • Table Data Type and Dynamic MERGE
  • SQL Queries for Datasets and Fetch
  • Lookup Activity and its Usage un Synapse
  • Expressions in ADF Portal for Lookup
  • Expressions in ADF Portal for Source
  • Output Pipeline Expression, Data Window
  • Concat Function, Run IDs Expressions
  • JSON Parameters, Pipeline Scheduling
  • Pipeline Validation, Trigger and Monitoring

Chapter 11: Optimizations, Power Query

  • ADF ETL with GUI : Power Query
  • Power Query Resoruce Creation, Use
  • Source Data Configurations & Settings
  • Rename, Remove, Pivot, Group By, Order
  • Index, Filter, Remove Error Rows
  • Using Power Query Activity, ADF Pipelines
  • Spark Cluster Configurations for Pipelines
  • Concurrency, Big Data Recommendations
  • Storage Optimization Techniques
  • ETL Optimization Techniques
  • SQL Pool (Synapse) Optimizations
  • Indexes, Partitions, Distributions, DOP
  • Pipeline Optimization Techniques
  • Partitions, DOCP, Compressions, DIU
  • Staging, Polybase and Core Counts

Chapter 12: Pipeline Monitoring, Security

  • Azure Monitor Resource and Usage
  • Pipeline Monitoring Techniques
  • ADF: Pipeline Monitoring and Alerts
  • Synapse: Pipeline Monitoring and Alerts
  • Synapse: Storage Monitoring and Alerts
  • Conditions, Signal Rules and Metrics
  • Email Notifications with Azure
  • Concurrency, Big Data Recommendations
  • Azure Active Directory (AAD) Users, Groups
  • IAM: Identity & Access Management
  • Synapse Workspace Security with RBAC
  • ADF Security with RBAC: Owner, Contributor
  • Azure Synapse SQL Pool Security: Logins
  • Users, Roles and Resource Classes (RC)
  • ADF V1 to V2 Migrations, Considerations

Mod 2: Azure Storage & Stream Analytics

Chapter 1: Azure Storage & Containers

  • Storage Components in Microsoft Azure
  • Azure Storage Services and Types – Uses
  • High Availability, Durability & Scalability
  • Blob: Binary Large Object Storage
  • General Purpose: Gen 1 & Gen 2 Versions
  • Blobs, File Share, Queues and Tables
  • Data Lake Gen 2 Operations with Azure
  • Azure Storage Account Creation
  • Azure Storage Container: Usage
  • Azure Data Explorer: Operations
  • File Uploads, Edits and Access URLs
  • Azure Storage Explorer Tool Usage
  • Azure Account Options in Explorer
  • Directory Creation, File Operations
  • End User Access Options With Files
  • Data Explorer Vs Storage Explorer Tool

Chapter 2: Azure Migration, BLOB Imports

  • SQL Server (On-Premise) to Azure Migration
  • Source Database Scripts & Validations
  • BACPAC File Generation From SSMS Tool
  • Azure Data Lake Storage and SSMS Access
  • Azure Storage Container, BACPAC Files
  • Azure SQL Server Creation From Portal
  • Azure SQL DB Imports, Storage SAS Keys
  • Azure SQL Database Migrations, Verification
  • BLOB Data Access from On-Premise
  • Data Imports From Excel and CSV Files
  • BLOB Data Imports using T-SQL Queries
  • SAS – Shared Access Signature Generation
  • CSV File – Uploads, Downloads, Edits, Keys
  • Master Keys, Credentials, External Sources
  • BULK INSERT Statement and Data Imports
  • T-SQL Imports : Practical Limitations

Chapter 3: Azure Tables, Shares

  • Azure Tables – Real-time Usage
  • Schema-less Design and Access Options
  • Structured and Relational Data Storage
  • Tables, Entities and Properties Concepts
  • Azure Tables: Creation and Data Inserts
  • Azure Tables in Portal – GUI and Data Types
  • Azure Tables: Data Imports in Explorer
  • Data Edits, Queries & Delete Operations
  • Azure Files – SMB Protocol, Creation, Usage
  • Shared Access, Fully Managed & Resiliency
  • Performance, Size Requirements for Shares
  • Azure Storage Explorer Tool for File Shares
  • Azure Queues: Message Queues, Limitations
  • Adding Messages, Queuing and De-Queuing
  • Data Access & Clear Queue from Explorer
  • End Points for Azure Message Queues

Chapter 4: Azure Storage Security, Admin

  • Azure Data Lake Storage Security Options
  • Shared Access Keys – Primary, Secondary Keys
  • SAS Key Generation: Container, Tables, Files
  • SAS Key Permissions, Validation Options
  • Access Keys: Account Level Permissions
  • Azure Active Directory (AAD): Users, Groups
  • Azure AD Security: RBAC with IAM, ACLs
  • Owner Role, Contributor and Reader Role
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Security Options
  • ACL : Access Control Lists & Security
  • Azure BLOB Storage Containers & ACLs
  • Folder Level and File Level Security
  • ACL Permissions: Read, Write & Execute
  • Access Policy: Creation and Realtime Use
  • Permissions: rwacdl; Azure Principals, CORS
  • Comparing IAM and ACLs in Data Lake Store

Chapter 5: Azure Monitoring, Power BI

  • Azure Monitor, Metrics & Logs
  • Monitoring Azure Storage Namespaces
  • Add KQL Metrics; Account, Blob and File
  • Total Ingress and Egress Metrics: Charts
  • Average Latency, Transaction Count
  • Request Breakdowns, Signal Logic Options
  • Azure Alerts and Conditions, Notifications
  • Signal Logic Conditions and Emails
  • Power BI Desktop Tool Installation
  • Binary Data and Record Data Access
  • Azure Data Lake Storage: Access Keys
  • Azure Data Lake Storage with Power BI
  • BLOB File Access with Power BI
  • Azure Tables Creation and File Imports
  • Azure Table Access with Power BI

Chapter 6: Azure Stream Analytics, IoT

  • Azure Stream Analytics: Real-time Usage
  • Real-time Data Processing, Event Tracking\
  • Ingest, Deliver and Analysis Operations
  • Azure Stream Analytics Jobs Concept
  • Understanding Input & Output Options
  • SAQL Queries for Stream Analytics Jobs
  • IoT: Internet Of Things For Real-time Data
  • Need for IoT Hubs and Event Hubs
  • Creating IoT Device for Data Inputs
  • Creating Azure Strean Analytics Resource
  • Stream Analytics Jobs for Historical Data
  • Azure SQL Database Options for ASA Jobs
  • SAQL: Query Formatting and Validation
  • Historical Data Uploads, ASA Job Execution
  • Stream Analytics Job Monitoring Options

Chapter 7: IoT Hubs & Event Hubs

  • Azure Stream Analytics For API Data
  • IoT Hubs & IoT Devices, Connection Strings
  • Rasberry APP Connections with IoT Hub
  • Azure Storage Account and Container
  • Creating Azure Stream Analytics Job
  • Configuring Input Aliases with IoT Hub
  • Configuring Output Alias with ADLS Gen 2
  • SAQL Query and Job Executions; Monitoring
  • Azure Event Hubs and Event Instances
  • Event Hub Namespaces, Partition Counts
  • Access Policies, Permissions & Defaults
  • RootManageSharedAccessKey & Options
  • Connection Strings & Event Service Bus
  • Telco App Installation, Executions. LIVE Data
  • On-Premise App Integration with ASA Jobs

Chapter 8: Azure Stream Analytics Security

  • Azure Key Vaults & ADLS [Data Lake] Security
  • Azure Passwords, Keys and Certificates
  • Azure Key Vaults – Name and Vault URI
  • Inbuilt Managed Key and Azure Key Vault
  • Standard Type, Premium Type Azure Key Vaults
  • Secret Page, Key Backups and Key Restores
  • Adding Keys to Azure Vaults. Key Type, Size
  • Using Azure Key Vaults to secure Resources
  • Azure Storage: Replications and DR Options
  • LRS: Locally Redundant Storage
  • GRS: Globally Redundant Storage
  • ZRS: Zone Redundant Storage
  • Replication Options and Advantages
  • Replication Verification and Modifications
  • Azure Storage Endpoints, Failover Partner

Mod 3: Azure Databricks & SparkSQL

Chapter 1: Azure Intro, Azure Databricks

  • Azure Databricks : Purpose & Config
  • Need for Azure Databricks (ADB)
  • Azure Databricks Service Creation
  • Azure Databricks Workspace & Usage
  • Spark Cluster Configurations & Capacity
  • Driver Nodes and Worker Nodes in Spark
  • Master Node & Cluster Creation Process
  • Cluster Types and Capacity Options
  • Standard, High Concurrency Clusters
  • Databricks Runtime Service & DBUs
  • Databricks File System (DBFS) and Usage
  • Azure Databricks Workspace Operations
  • ETL and Data Storage Components
  • Spark Concepts and Spark SQL
  • Spark Context and Spark Session
  • DataFrame, Dataset and Real-time Use

Chapter 2: SQL Notebooks & Python

  • Notebooks: Concept, Usage Options
  • Creating SQL Notebooks in Databricks
  • Using DBFS Tables in SQL Notebooks
  • Data Access and Analytics Options
  • SparkSQL Queries: SELECT, GROUP BY
  • SparkSQL Queries: Aggregates, Conditions
  • Notebook Operations: Download, Clone
  • Notebook Operations: Upload, Reuse
  • SQL Notebooks with Python Code
  • Using DBFS Sample Data Sources (CSV)
  • Dataframes: Creation and Real-time Use
  • Pandas Dataframe, Virtual Table Creation
  • Dataframe Data Access, Caching Options
  • Take() and Display() Functions in PySpark
  • Temporary View Creation and Access
  • SparkSQL Queries, Analytics, Chart Reports

Chapter 3: Python Notebooks

  • Azure SQL Server Configurations
  • Azure SQL Database Creation
  • Azure Firewall Rules and IP Address
  • Allow Azure Services, Remote Access
  • Connection Tests with SSMS Tool
  • Python Notebooks with Azure Databricks
  • Data Imports and Table Creations (Code)
  • Parquet Files and Usage in Databricks
  • Using Dataframes for Data Operations
  • SparkSQL Queries with SELECT, TOP
  • Establishing Connections to Azure SQL DB
  • JDBC Connection Strings, DataframeWriter
  • JDBC Properties, Port Settings & Options
  • Data Extraction, SQLContext & Dataframes
  • Pandas Data Frame for Big Data Analytics
  • JDBC URL Options & PySparkSQL Modules

Chapter 4: Open Data Sources, DeltaLakes

  • Creating Python Notebooks with Databricks
  • Spark Dataframes with Azure OpenDatasets
  • Windows Azure Storage Blob [wasb] Sources
  • Creating Dataframes & Temporary Views
  • Using Print and Display Functions with ADB
  • Big Data Analysis with BLOB Data & Charts
  • Keys, Values, Aggregations, Display Type
  • Databricks Notebooks, Jobs and Stages
  • Azure DeltaLake Implementation
  • ACID Properties and Upsert Advantages
  • Delta Engine Optimizations & Uses
  • Pipeline Creation with JSON Files in DBFS
  • Delta Tables Creation, Data Loads
  • Spark Cluster Settings: Auto Optimize
  • Auto Compact and Delta Table Optimize
  • Delta Locations; Data Retrieval, Versions

Chapter 5: Databricks Security & Jobs

  • Azure Databricks Security Operations
  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  • AD Users and RBAC with IAM
  • Owner, Contributor & Reader Roles
  • Workspace Admin Permissions
  • Notebook Permissions and Share Options
  • Shared Notebooks, User Access Options
  • Notebook Operations: Clone & Export
  • Databricks Jobs: Creation Options, Usage
  • Job Limits, Workspace, Concurrency Limits
  • Notebooks with and without Parameters
  • Jobs with Default Parameters, Executions
  • Interactive, Automated Clusters for Jobs
  • Job Schedules and Manual Executions
  • Active Jobs, Recently Run Jobs, Monitoring
  • ADB Jobs with Azure OData Sources, BLOB

Chapter 6: Databricks @ BLOB, Power BI

  • BLOB Data Access with Databricks
  • Accessing Storage Account, Container
  • Gerate, Use SAS: Shared Access Signature
  • dbutils.fs.mount() with DBFS Store
  • and DBFS Mounts
  • Scala Transformations, Create Temp View
  • Spark SQL Queries with Temp Views
  • dataframe.write.jdbc() & JVM Properties
  • with Azure SQL DB
  • Power BI Integration with Databricks
  • Server Host Name, Port and Http Path
  • Cluster Configurations and JDBC
  • User Access Token Generation, Usage
  • Spark ClusterAccess, Power BI Analytics

Chapter 7: Databricks Integrations

  • Azure Databricks with Data Lake Storage
  • Handling Unstructured Data in Azure
  • Data Preparation and Staging Operations
  • Azure App (Service Principal) Registration
  • Azure Key Vault Creation & Key Usage
  • Service Principal Permissions @ Data Loads
  • Tenants and Authorization Settings
  • Client Credentials, Token Provider Options
  • Spark Notebooks For Dynamic Connections
  • Parameterized Options & Blob Access
  • Data Preparation & Big Data Ingestion
  • Data Extraction and ADLS Storage
  • show(), transformations, wasbs Options
  • Azure SQL Server & Synapse Creations
  • Data Loads with Incremental Changes
  • ADF Integration, Real-time Project
  • Azure Databricks Integrations with ADF
  • Defining Scala Notebooks in ADB
  • Using Notebooks in Azure Data Factory
  • spark.conf.set &
  •, Option() and Head()
  • Online Retail Database Data Source
  • Azure Migrations and ETL Concepts
  • Azure SQL Pool (Synapse DWH) Tables
  • Apache Spark Pool : Databases, Tables
  • Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS Gen 2)
  • Azure Stream Analytics Jobs with IoT
  • Azure Data Bricks and DBFS, Notebooks
  • Concept wise FAQs, Resume Guidance
  • Project Requirement, Solution, FAQs
  • DP 203 Certification Guidance

Module 4: Microsoft Fabric Training Content

Ch 1 : Fabrics Introduction

  • Big Data Analytics with Azure
  • Products and Services in Analytics
  • Microsoft Fabric – One Umbrella
  • Microsoft Fabric – Advantages
  • Unified Data Foundation
  • AI Powered Capabilities
  • OneLake: Storage
  • Synapse: Engineering, Warehouse
  • Synapse: Data Science, Analytics
  • Power BI: Business Intelligence
  • Action platform; Data Activator
  • Governance; Purview

Ch 2 : Fabric Licenses, Capacity

  • Fabric Workspace : Licensing
  • Fabric Components & Tenant
  • Organizational Licenses
  • Capacity, PPU and SKUs
  • Individual Licenses: Free, Pro
  • SKU Types: Azure & Office 365
  • Fabric Workspace : Activation
  • GUI: Walk Thru Options
  • Data Factory, Synapse Options
  • Power BI & Streaming Objects
  • Creating Fabric Capacity
  • Pause / Resume Capacity

Ch 3: Lakehouse Concepts

  • What is Lakehouse?
  • How to configure LakeHouse?
  • Lakehouse Explorer Tool
  • Interacting with Lakehouse Items
  • Pipelines and Notebooks
  • Spark Jobs and Dataflows Gen 2
  • Using Lakehouse Explorer
  • Main View and Ribbon Area
  • Table Section, File Section
  • Data Load Options to Lakehouse
  • SyMS and Unidenfied Area
  • Landing Zone, Data Processing

Ch 4: Data Loads with Lakehouse

  • Large Scale Data Analytics
  • Onelake Metastore & Use
  • Workspace & LakeHouse
  • Lakehouse Explorer: Tables, Files
  • File Upload : Header, Data Types
  • Explorer Shortcuts in Lakehouse
  • File Data Load to Tables
  • SQL Queries in Tables
  • Lakehouse to SQL Endpoint
  • Transaction Audit: _delta_log
  • Aggregations, Visual Queries
  • Reports and Data Models

Ch 5: Fabric Data Factory – 1

  • Fabric Data Factory & ETL
  • Data Ingestions & Orchestrations
  • Dataflows and Pipeline Options
  • AI Based Transformations
  • Data Flows: Low Code Interface
  • Power Query : Advantages
  • Pipeline Design: Copy Data
  • Compute and Optimizations
  • Connections & Datasets
  • Pipeline Activity: Options
  • Column Mapping & ETL
  • Canvas : Debug & Monitoring

Ch 6: Fabric Data Factory – 2

  • Fabric Studio: Copy Data Activity
  • Copy Assistant : Usage Options
  • Connections & Linked Services
  • serialization/deserialization
  • compression/decompression
  • Colum Mapping & Conversions
  • Activity Timeouts, Retries
  • Secure Input / Output Options
  • Column Mapping & Settings
  • Fabric Pipelines: Copy Methods
  • Existing Pipeline Edits, Publish
  • Pipeline Monitor & Logging

Ch 7: Fabric Data Factory – 3

  • Fabric Studio: Data Flow Activity
  • Spark Clusters : Automations
  • Spark Cluster Debugging
  • Spark Cluster Sizing, Capacity
  • Lakehouse Table: ETL Process
  • ADLS File Connectors
  • Power Query Transformations
  • Power Query Profiling
  • In-Memory Processing, M Lang
  • Data Flow Optimizations
  • Partition Options & Tuning
  • Broadcast Options & Tuning

Ch 8: Fabrics & Spark Clusters

  • Apache Spark Configurations
  • Data Engineering/Science
  • Sark Compute & Capacity
  • Node Family Settings
  • Memory Optimized
  • Transaction Optimized
  • Runtime Versions, Scaling
  • Notebooks, Concurrency
  • Python Libraries in Spark
  • Dataframes & Realtime Use
  • Spark SQL Queries & Data Loads
  • Data Visualizations & Spark

Ch 9: Fabric Notebooks

  • Spark Jobs for ETL
  • Spark Dataframes for ETL
  • Inferring & Explicit Schema
  • sql.types
  • sql.functions
  • Filter, Group Data Frames
  • Dataframe Storage, Partition
  • Spark Catalog : Objects
  • TempView in Spark Catalog
  • Spark SQL API & Visualizations
  • Graphic Packages: PyPlot
  • Big Data Analytics with Spark

Ch 10: Synapse Warehouse – 1

  • Fabric Datawarehouse
  • DWH Creation Options
  • Sensivity Settings
  • Warehouse Compute
  • SSMS Connections
  • ADS Connections
  • Table Creations
  • Warehouse Sample
  • Data Load Options
  • Warehouse Query Options
  • Data Aggregations
  • Data Analytics

Ch 11: Synapse Warehouse – 2

  • Fabric Security Options
  • Warehouse Security Model
  • Warehouse Access Model
  • Fabric Workspace Roles
  • Item Permissions
  • Object Level Security
  • Sharing Warehouse
  • SQL Permissions
  • Read, Connect
  • SQL endpoint data
  • ReadAll & Build
  • Grant, Revoke, Deny

Ch 12: Synapse Warehouse – 3

  • Zero Copy Clone in DWH
  • Table Clone in Synapse
  • Table Clone Inheritance
  • Create Table As Clone
  • Table Cloning Scenarios
  • Cloning : Limitations
  • Warehouse Performance
  • Statistics : Creation, Use
  • Leverage Stats in DWH
  • In-Memory & SSD Cache
  • Disk Cache, Important DMVs
  • Cold Cache & Management

Ch 13: Synapse Realtime Analytics

  • Realtime Analytics in Fabric
  • Streaming & Time Series Data
  • Capture, Transform & Route
  • Ingest, Load and Stream
  • Data Integration At Scale
  • Creating KQL Databases
  • KQL Tables, Queries
  • BLOB Data Ingestions
  • Data Loads & Fabric Studio
  • Command Viewer Options
  • Partiaial Data Preview
  • Data Exploration

Ch 14: OneLake Concepts

  • Unified Data Lake in Fabric
  • Warehouse and Lakehouse
  • One Lake Workspace Management
  • Azure HD Insight : Security
  • DFS API and Connections
  • Fabric Workloads & Tuning
  • Onelake File Explorer
  • One Copy of Data, Data Engines
  • Compute and Analytics
  • Uni Management & Governance
  • Creating Lakehouse with Onelake
  • Data Loads with Lakehouse

Ch 15: Microsoft Fabric with Power BI

  • Using Power BI with Fabric
  • OneLake Connections with Power BI
  • Power BI Desktop with Fabric
  • Power BI Desktop with OneLake
  • Power BI Desktop with LakeHouse
  • Power BI Desktop with Synapse
  • Power BI Cloud with OneLake
  • Power BI Datasets (LIVE)
  • Power BI Datamarts and Usage
  • Dashboards with Fabric Metrics
  • Unified Data Foundation : OneLake
  • End to end Implementation Plan

Azure BI Training Plans

Plan A

1. Azure Data Engineer
2. Power BI

Plan B

1. Azure Data Engineer
2. Power BI
3. Microsoft Fabric

Plan C

1. SQL Server
2. Azure Data Engineer
3. Power BI
4. Microsoft Fabric
Total Duration11 Weeks15 Weeks18 Weeks
Power BI: Report Design, Visuals
Power BI: M Lang, DX for ETL
Power BI: Report Server, Admin
ADF : Azure Data Factory
ADF : Data Imports, ETL
ADF : Data Flows, Wrangling
ADF : Transformations, ETL
Synapse: Configuration, Loads
Synapse: ETL with ADF, DWH
Synapse: Performance Tuning
Synapse: MPP, cDWH, DIUs
ADB : Azure Data Bricks
ADB : Architecture, Data Loads
ADB : Workspace, Delta Tables
Storage : Storage & Containers
Storage: BLOB Imports
Storage: Security
DP 500 [ADE + Power BI]
Need for Microsoft Fabric?
Fabric Terminology
SaaS Implementations
Synapse Engineering
Lake House
Dataset Discovery
SQL: Database Basics, T-SQL
SQL : Constraints, Joins, Queries
T-SQL : Queries, SProcs, Lock Hints
SQL: Views, Group By, Self Joins
Total Course Fee*INR 37000USD 465INR 59000USD 725INR 64000USD 810

SQL Server & T-SQL Schedules

S NoTime (IST, Mon - Fri)Start DateTrainerRegister
16 AM - 7 AM Nov 11thMr. Sai PhanindraRegister
29 AM - 10 AMNov 26thMr. Sai Phanindra Register
310 AM - 11 AMNov 5thMr. Sai PhanindraRegister
37 PM - 8 PMNov 18thMr. Sai Phanindra Register

Power BI Training Schedules

S NoTime (IST, Mon - Fri)Start DateTrainerRegister
18 AM - 9 AM Oct 29thMr. Sai PhanindraRegister
26 PM - 7 PMNov 5thMr. Sai PhanindraRegister


24x7 LIVE Online Server (Lab) with Real-time Databases.
Course includes ONE Real-time Project.

Technical FAQs

Who is SQL School? How far you have been in the training services ?

SQL School is a registered training institute, established in February 2008 at Hyderabad, India. We offer Real-time trainings and projects including Job Support exclusively on Microsoft SQL ServerT-SQLSQL Server DBA and MSBI (SSISSSASSSRS) Courses. All our training services are completely practical and real-time.CREDITS of SQL School Training Center

  • We are Microsoft Partner. ID# 4338151
  • ISO Certified Training Center
  • Completely dedicated to Microsoft SQL Server
  • All trainings delivered by our Certified Trainers only
  • One of the few institutes consistently delivering the trainings for more than 8+ Years online as inhouse
  • Real-time projects in
    • Healthcare
    • Banking
    • Insurance
    • Retail Sales
    • Telecom
    • ECommerce

I registered for the Demo but did not get any response?

Make sure you provide all the required information. Upon Approval, you should be receiving an email containing the information on how to join for the demo session. Approval process usually takes minutes to few hours. Please do monitor your spam emails also.

Why you need our Contact Number and Full Name for Demo/Training Registration?

This is to make sure we are connected to the authenticated / trusted attendees as we need to share our Bank Details / Other Payment Information once you are happy with our Training Procedure and demo session. Your contact information is maintained completely confidential as per our Privacy Policy. Payment Receipt(s) and Course Completion Certificate(s) would be furnished with the same details.

What is the Training Registration & Confirmation Process?

Upon submitting demo registration form and attending LIVE demo session, we need to receive your email confirmation on joining for the training. Only then, payment details would be sent and slot would be allocated subject to availability of seats. We have the required tools for ensuring interactivity and quality of our services.

Please Note: Slot Confirmation Subject to Availability Of Seats.

How am I assured quality of the services?

We have been providing the Trainings – Online, Video and Classroom for the last EIGHT years – effectively and efficiently for more than 100000 (1 lakh) students and professionals across USA, India, UK, Australia and other countries. We are dedicated to offer realtime and practical project oriented trainings exclusively on SQL Server and related technologies. We do provide 24×7 Lab and Assistance with Job Support – even aftrer the course! To make sure you are gaining confidence on our trainings, participans are requested to attend for a free LIVE demo based on the schedules posted @ Register. Alternatively, participants may request for video demo by mailing us to Registration process to take place once you are happy with the demo session. Further, payments accepted in installments (via Paypal / Online Banking) to ensure trusted services from SQL School™

YES, We use Enterprise Edition Evaluation Editions (Full Version with complete feature support valid for SIX months) for our trainings. Software and Installation Guidance would be provided for T-SQL, SQL DBA and MSBI / DW courses.

Why Choose SQL School

  • 100% Real-Time and Practical
  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified
  • Concept wise FAQs
  • TWO Real-time Case Studies, One Project
  • Weekly Mock Interviews
  • 24/7 LIVE Server Access
  • Realtime Project FAQs
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Placement Assistance
  • Job Support
  • Realtime Project Solution
  • MS Certification Guidance

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