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Course Highlights

SSRS Online Training at SQL School Training Institute – is carefully designed to offer complete real-time training on Report Design, Development, Testing, Tuning, Delivery and Automation of Enterprise Reprots as well as Adhoc Reports. This SSRS Online Training includes Paginated Reports, Dashboards, Map Reports, Chart Reports, Shape Charts, SSRS Expressions, Report Builder, Report Server, SSRS Power BI Intergration with Report Builder Paginations, Report Parts, Report Snapshots and Dynamic Email Subscriptions. Our SSRS Training sessions are completely practical with a real-time Project. This course also includes Resume Building and FAQs on the Real-time project [HealthCare Domain].

Training Highlights

  •  Funel Reports
  •  Dashboards
  •  TreeMaps
  •  Power BI Integration
  •  Azure Integration
  •  Interviews, Job Support
  •  Real-time Project
  •  Basic to Advanced DAX
  •  Resume Guidance
  •  Certification, Placements
  • Custom Visuals
  • Power BI Mobile
  • Big Data Sources
  • R, Python, JSON
  • Excel Analysis
  • Excel Online
  • Google Big Query
  • Report Server
  • Gateways, Rest API
  • Power BI Admin

Course Content

SSRS LIVE Online Training
Course Contents:

Module 1 : SQL Server & T-SQL Queries


  • Databases Introduction & Purpose
  • Database Types : OLTP, DWH, OLAP
  • Microsoft SQL Server Advantages, Use
  • SQL Server Components and Usage
  • Microsoft SQL Server – Career Options
  • Developer, DBA, Data Engineer
  • Data Analyst, Data Scientist Careers
  • SQL : Purpose, Real-time Usage Options
  • SQL Versus Microsoft T-SQL [MSSQL]
  • Course Plan, Real-time Project, Resume
  • 24 x 7 Online Lab for Remote DB Access
  • Versions and Editions of SQL Server
  • SQL Server Pre-requisites : S/W, H/W
  • System Configuration Checker Tool


  • SQL Server & SSMS Installation Plan
  • SQL Server Pre-requisites : S/W, H/W
  • SQL Server 2022 & 2019 Installation
  • Database Engine Feature, OLTP
  • Instances : Types and Properties
  • Default Instance, Named Instances
  • Service and Service Account Use
  • Authentication Modes and Logins
  • Windows Logins and SQL Logins
  • SQL Server Management Studio
  • Server Connections with SSMS Tool
  • Local and Remote Connections
  • System Databases: Master and Model
  • MSDB, TempDB, Resource Databases

Ch 3: SSMS Tool, SQL BASICS – 1

  • Creating Databases: Files [MDF, LDF]
  • Creating Tables in User Interface
  • Data Insertion & Report in User Interface
  • SQL : Purpose and Real-time Usage
  • SQL Versus T-SQL : Basic Differences
  • Creating SSMS Sessions : SPID
  • Create, Connect Databases using SQL
  • Creating Tables with INT, CHAR
  • Data Storage, Inserts – Basic Level
  • Table Data Verifications with Select
  • SELECT Statement for Table Retrieval
  • Identify Databases and Tables
  • Identify Sessions and Session ID

Ch 4: SQL BASICS – 2

  • Creating Tables: VARCHAR, FLOAT
  • Single Row Inserts, Multi Row Inserts
  • Rules for Data Insertion Statements
  • SELECT with WHERE Conditions
  • AND and OR Operators Usage
  • IN Operator and NOT IN Operator
  • Between, Not Between Operators
  • LIKE and NOT LIKE Operators
  • Basic Sub Queries with SELECT
  • UPDATE Statement & Conditions
  • DELETE & TRUNCATE Statements
  • ALTER, ADD COLUMN Statements
  • DROP Statements: Table, Database

Ch 5: SQL Basics – 3, TSQL INTRO

  • Database Objects : Tables and Schemas
  • Schemas : Group Tables in Database
  • Schemas : Security Management Object
  • Creating Schemas & Batch Concept
  • Using Schemas for Table Creation
  • Data Storage in Tables with Schemas
  • Data Retrieval & Usage with Schemas
  • Table Migrations across Schemas
  • Import and Export Wizard in SSMS
  • Data Imports with Excel File Data
  • Performing Bulk Operations in SSMS
  • Temporary Tables : Real-time Use
  • Local and Global Temporary Tables
  • # and ## Prefix, Scope of Usage

Ch 6: Constraints, Index Basics

  • Constraints and Keys – Data Integrity
  • NULL, NOT NULL Property on Tables
  • UNIQUE KEY Constraints: Importance
  • PRIMARY KEY Constraint: Importance
  • FOREIGN KEY Constraint: Importance
  • Candidate Keys and Identity Property
  • Database Diagrams and ER Models
  • Relationships Verification and Links
  • Indexes : Basic Types and Creation
  • Index Sorting and Search Advantages
  • Clustered and NonClustered Indexes
  • Primary Key and Unique Key Indexes
  • Need for Indexes – working with Keys

Ch 7: Joins Basics, TSQL Queries

  • JOINS – Table Comparisons Queries
  • INNER JOINS For Matching Data
  • OUTER JOINS For (non) Match Data
  • Join Queries with “ON” Conditions
  • Left Outer Joins – Example Queries
  • Right Outer Joins – Example Queries
  • FULL Outer Joins: Realtime Scenarios
  • One-way, Two way Data Comparisons
  • Using Table Aliases & Column Aliases
  • Optimizing Join Queries with Indexes
  • Choosing Correct Comparison Columns
  • Joining Unrelated Tables in TSQL
  • Self References, Self Joins in TSQL

Ch 8: Group By, Views & Excel

  • GROUP BY: Importance, Realtime Use
  • GROUP BY Queries and Aggregations
  • Group By Queries with Having Clause
  • Group By Queries with Where Clause
  • Using WHERE and HAVING in T-SQL
  • Group By with Joins in TSQL
  • Query Execution Order & Aliases
  • Joins with Sub Queries, Formatting
  • Database Objects: Overview & Usage
  • Views: Types, Usage in Real-time
  • Creating, Executing & Verifying Views
  • Storing Queries in Database Views
  • Excel Analytics – Joins & Views
  • Excel Office Data Connection Reports

Ch 9: Functions, Procedures Basics

  • Functions with SQL Server, TSQL
  • Scalar, Inline, Table Functions
  • Variables: Declare, Real-time Use
  • Creating, Executing Functions
  • Functions for Computations
  • Functions for Parameterized Joins
  • Procedures: Usage in Real-time
  • Using Parameters in SQL Server
  • Parameterized Joins in TSQL
  • Compilation with Stored Procedures
  • sp_help, sp_helptext, sp_helpindex
  • sp_helpdb, sp_rename, sp_recompile
  • System Views For Metadata Audits
  • DBID, DBName, ObjectID, ObjectName


  • Triggers – Purpose, Real-world Usage
  • FOR/AFTER Triggers – Real time Use
  • INSTEAD OF Triggers – Real time Use
  • INSERTED, DELETED Memory Tables
  • Using Triggers for Data Replication
  • Enable Triggers and Disable Triggers
  • Database Level, Server Level Triggers
  • Transactions : Types, ACID Properties
  • Transaction Types and AutoCommit
  • EXPLICIT & IMPLICIT Transactions
  • COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements
  • Batch Concept and Go Statement
  • Open Transactions in Real-time
  • Using Conditional Commits, Rollbacks

Ch 11:  Normal Forms, Cursors

  • First Normal Form and Atomicity
  • Third Normal Form and MVD Property
  • Boycee-Codd Normal Form : BNCF
  • Fourth Normal Form : Advantages
  • Self Reference Keys and 4 NF Usage
  • 1:1, 1:M, M:1, M:M Relationship Types
  • Computed Columns, Variant Type
  • Linked Servers, Remote Joins in TSQL
  • 2 Part, 3 Part, 4 Part Naming Styles
  • Remote Joins Queries and Aliases
  • Cursors – Basics, Data Operations
  • Cursors – Life Cycle & Declaration
  • Cursors Types, FETCH Operations
  • Cursors – Deallocate, Real-world Use

Ch 12: TSQL Merge, Cursors

  • IIF() Function with SELECT Query
  • Incremental Loads, Upsert Statement
  • Stored Procedures: Merge Statement
  • UNION and UNION ALL Operator
  • Window Functions: Rank, Dense Rank
  • Row_Number, PartitionBy in TSQL
  • Duplicate Row Identification, Deletion
  • Grouping, Cube, Rollup, Lag, Lead
  • Data Types: Numerical, Date, Time
  • Data Types: Characters, Real, Float
  • Date & Time Functions, DateAdd
  • String Functions, Concat, SubString

Case Study 1: Database Design with Tables,
Constraints, Keys & Relations

Case Study 2: Joins with Group By,
Sub Queries, Views, Excel Analytics

Module 2 : SSRS Training



  • Reporting Operations and Report Types
  • Paginated Reports and Interactive Reports
  • Analytical Reports and Mobile Reports
  • Need For Reporting Solutions (SSRS) and Tools
  • Reporting Engine Architecture, Report Databases
  • SSRS Report Server Installation Process
  • Report Databases in SSRS and Real-time Usage
  • Web Service URL : Purpose, Test Connection, Usage
  • Web Portal URL – Purpose, Test Connection, Usage
  • Report Server Database, Report TempDB Configuration
  • SSRS Tools : SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)
  • Report Builder and Mobile Report Publisher
  • Report Design & Work Flow – Lab Plan, Data Sources
  • Three-Phase Report Life Cycle in Reports (End-End)
  • Report Builder Versus Report Designer : Basics
  • Report Server and Webservice Integration


  • Working with Visual Studio – SQL Server Data Tools
  • Report Templates and Basic Usage. Project, Solution
  • Designing Basic Reports – Understanding Entities
  • Working with Report Project Wizard – Usage, Reports
  • Defining Data Source Connections, Source Databases
  • Query Designer Options, Query Builder & Import Options
  • Table Reports and Matrix Reports with Report Wizard
  • Layout and Format Options – Drilldown Reports, Blocks
  • Stepped Reports and Multi Field Drilldown Options
  • Report Project Template – Designing Dataset, Reports
  • Table Headers, Formatting Options, MATH Expressions
  • Alternate Row Colors, Report Globals, Expressions
  • Report Formatting Styles, Expressions & Reusability
  • Reporting Functions: IIF, Format, Ceiling, Round
  • Textbox Properties: DateTime Formats, Numbers, Styles
  • Initial Catalog – Report Sources, Static/Dynamic Properties


  • Grouping Operations: Row Groups, Column Groups
  • Table Report – Row Groups, Parent – Child Groups
  • Adding Groups to Existing Rows and New Rows
  • Group Headers and Group Footers – Usage, Sub Totals
  • Group Field Visibility and Toggle Options @ Parent
  • Row Group Properties, Header/Footer Properties
  • Column Groups for Table Reports, Advanced Options
  • Drill-down Reports using Row Groups and Visibility
  • Column Groups – Advance Mode – Fixed Attributes, Fields
  • Repeating Header on Every Page & Repeat Page Options
  • Creating Parameters using Dataset Query Conditions
  • Single Value Parameters and Multi Value Parameters
  • Dynamic Parameter Values, Dependency Options, Queries
  • Defining Datasets with Parameters, Dynamic Conditions
  • Dataset Links to Parameters, Values from List, Query
  • Multi-Value Parameters: Data Types, Null, Empty Values
  • Reports using Multiple Data Sets. Performance Issues
  • SSRS Expressions, Global Fields For Report Parameters
  • Advanced Options : Auto Refresh, Manual Refresh Options


  • Chart Reports – Design Options, Properties and Usage
  • Series Values Selection – with / without Category Groups
  • Report Categories with Series Groups – Differences, Usage
  • Data Visualization Types: Trend & Discrete Chart Reports
  • Clustered / Non Clustered Attributes. Position Options
  • Series Labels : Properties, Number Formatting, Visibility
  • Series Actions : Series Properties, Multi – Valued Parameters
  • Report Actions : URL / Reports, Setting for Report Filters
  • Dashboard Creations, Usage. Multiple Chart Areas, Legends
  • Dashboard Exports with Filters (Static, Parameterized)
  • Chart Series, Report Markers Chart Areas & Limitations
  • 3-Dimensional Report Options – Properties, Visibility Options
  • Range & Pie Charts, Line Reports, Data Bars, Area Charts
  • Report Actions with Parameter Values – Report Filter Joins
  • Dataset Filters, Toolbox Filters and Bookmarks Usage
  • Filters versus Parameters – Differences with Performance
  • Filter Condition at Dataset Level, Toolbox Level


  • Defining Shared Data Sources and Shared DataSets
  • Date and Time Expressions with RDL Files
  • FORMAT Function in SSRS, Date Parameters
  • Data Type Conversions and Integer / String Types
  • String Functions and Page Breaks in SSRS
  • LOOKUP Function and Dataset Joins in SSRS
  • Field Value Replacement with Datasets
  • Using LIST Item from SSRS Toolbox
  • Field Expressions and Field Properties
  • #VALX, #VALY, #PERCENT, #SERIES Label Properties
  • 3D Pie Charts, Funnel and Tree Map Reports.
  • 3D Funnel and Sunburst Reports. Shape Charts
  • Doughnut, Pyramid and 3D Pyramid Reports
  • Parameterized Gauge Reports – Dataset Level Filters
  • Indicator Reports : Value and State Expressions
  • SSRS Expressions, Report Code – Custom Functions



  • Report Builder Tool Installation & Real-time Use
  • Differences with Report Designer Tool, Limitations
  • Data Source, DataSet Creation with Report Builder
  • Dataset Design with Parameters and Filters. Usage
  • Query Designer with Report Builder, Table Selection
  • Column Aggregates and Auto Group By. Query Edits
  • Adhoc Reports with Drill-down and Column Groups
  • Dynamic Row Colors, Report Expression Options
  • Gauge Reports: Purpose, End User Access
  • Report Types – Radial and Linear Gauges
  • Indicators, Pointers, Scale Range Values
  • Browser Compatibility and Offline Reports
  • Gauge, Gauge Panel Properties and Filters
  • Scale – Properties, Values, Label Options
  • Ranges and Labels, Items, Needle Options
  • Parameterized Gauge Reports and Datasets


  • Map Reports – Map Layers and Map Report Items
  • Map Gallery, ESRI Share Files and Spatial data
  • Geo Spatial Data for Business Analysis Dashboards
  • Polygon, Tile, Line and Point Map Layer Options
  • Map Visualization Options and Bubble Map Reports
  • Data Fields, Display Labels, Visualization Indicators
  • Fields to Visualize, Color Rules and Display Labels
  • Editing Report Builder Reports in Report Designer
  • SSRS Deployment for Report Designer Reports
  • SSRS Deployment for Report Builder Reports
  • Report Deployment – Builds and Config Files
  • Webservice URL and Webportal URL Access
  • Data Source, Data Set Folders and Report URL
  • Report Deployment of Shared Data Source Items
  • Report Deployment of Shared Datasets and Reports
  • Report Manager Uploads for RDL Files, Verification


  • Data Source Management and Subscriptions
  • Dependant Items and Security Operations
  • Editing Shared Data Sources in Web Portal
  • Shared Data Source Operations: Enable, Hide
  • Connection Types, Connection Edits, Security
  • Shared Dataset Operations: Report Builder Edits
  • Data Preview, Data Loads and Dependant Items
  • Report Edits, Download / Upload, Linked Reports
  • Security Management: Browser Role, User Access
  • Content Management, My Reports, Publisher
  • Report Builder, Report Definitions, Uploads
  • Report Tuning: Caching, Rebuilds and Refresh
  • Report Tuning: Report Snapshots and Schedules
  • Subscriptions: Standard and Data Driven
  • Email and File share Subscriptions in SSRS
  • Schedules and Report Delivery Options
  • Report Server Settings, Shared Schedules
  • Report Timeout, Report Parts and Publish
  • Sub Reports and Report Parts in Report Builder


  • Mobile Reports : Creation & Usage
  • Excel and Report Server Sources
  • Working with Mobile Report Publisher
  • Report Elements and Design Options
  • Layout: Master, Tablet and Phone
  • Grids and Color Palette. Deployment
  • RSMobile Formats: Uploads, Downloads
  • Shared Dataset in Report Builder Tool
  • KPI Reports: Design from Web Portal
  • KPI: Value, Goal, Status, Trend
  • KPI Visuals: Bar, Line, Step, Area
  • Custom URLs and Mobile Reports
  • SSRS Cube Reports with SSAS MDX Queries
  • SSRS Cube Reports with SSAS DAX Queries
  • SSRS Cube Reports with Parameters
  • MDX Default Parameters and Options
  • MSBI SSAS OLAP Cube Actions with SSRS


  • Using SQL Server Data Sources and Datasets
  • Designing RDL [Paginated Reports], Expressions
  • Chart Reports, Line Reports and Options
  • Dataset with Parameters and Filters. Usage
  • Trend Analysis and Continuous Data Reports
  • Data Bar Reports and Stacked Reports – Usage
  • Multi-series Charts and Dynamic Chart Size
  • Axis Display Control in SSRS Paginated Reports
  • Parameters and Filters – When to use which, why?
  • Complete Project Solution with Explanation
  • Work Flow Operations and Report Types
  • Report Design, Builds and Report Deployment
  • Report Edits, Data Source Changes to Azure
  • Using Azure SQL Database for SSRS DB Source
  • Report Management, Security, Subscriptions
  • Report Tuning, Caching and Snapshot Options
  • Project FAQs and Explanations for Resume

Module 3 : PowerBI Training

Part 1: Power BI Report Design


  • Power BI : Introduction to Analytics
  • Power BI Tools Suite, Advantages
  • Power BI : Career Options, Plan
  • Power BI Developer Job Role
  • Microsoft Data Analyst Job Role
  • Big Data Analyst Job Role
  • Power BI Data Analyst (PL 300)
  • Data Engineer*, Power BI (DP 500 *)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Visuals
  • AI Enabled Power BI Features
  • Course – Lab Plan with Design Tools
  • Need for Power Query & DAX
  • Power BI Licensing Types
  • Power BI Cloud – Advantages
  • Power BI Report Server Advantages

Ch 2: Basic Report Design

  • Power BI Eco System: Architecture
  • Data Sources & Types in Real-world
  • Report Types: Interactive, Paginated
  • Analytical Reports & Mobile Reports
  • Data Sources : File, Database, Web
  • Visualizations : Report Shapes
  • Power BI Design Tools, Requirements
  • Power BI Desktop Tool : Installation
  • Desktop Interface: Overview, Canvas
  • Get Data, Data View, Report View
  • In-Memory Xvelocity Database
  • Basic Visuals: Table, Tree Map
  • Data Labels, Legend, Category
  • Local Store: PBIX & PBIT Files
  • Data Points and Tooltips

Ch 3: Visual Interaction, Visual Sync

  • Visual Interaction with Data Points
  • Disabling / Enabling Interactions
  • Edit Interactions: Format Options
  • Spotlight and Focus Mode
  • Report Export to CSV, PDF
  • Tooltip Options and Usage
  • Working with Pages in PBI
  • Rename, Duplicate, Hide Pages
  • Slicer Visual : Real-time Usage
  • Orientation, Selection Properties
  • Slicer Settings : Tiles & Slider
  • Single & Multi Select, Header
  • Number, Text, Show Summary
  • Date Slicer and Value Selections
  • Slicer List, Dropdowns & Clear

Ch 4: Grouping & Hierarchies

  • Grouping : Visuals with Pdf Sources
  • List Grouping and Binning Options
  • Grouping Static / Fixed Data Values
  • Grouping Dynamic / Changing Data
  • Bin Size and Bin Limits (Max, Min)
  • Bin Count and Grouping Options
  • Group with Bins & Clustering
  • Group, Layer with Selection Pane
  • Creating Hierarchies in Power BI
  • Independent, Dependant Drill-Down
  • Drill-Down with Interactive Reports
  • Conditional Drilldowns, Data Points
  • Drill Up Buttons and Operations
  • Expand & Show Next Level
  • Dynamic Data Drills Limitations

Ch 5: Filters & Bookmarks

  • Filters : Types and Usage in Real-time
  • Visual Filter, Page Filter, Report Filter
  • Basic, Advanced and TOP N Filters
  • Category and Summary Level Filters
  • Data / Drill Options, DrillThru Filters
  • Keep All Filters” Options in DrillThru
  • CrossReport Filters, Include, Exclude
  • Drill-thru Filters, Page Navigations
  • Bookmarks : Report Navigations
  • Buttons, Images with Actions
  • Selection Pane, Actions, Text URLs
  • Show Data and See Records
  • Custom Tooltips, Table Visual
  • Table Vs Matrix : Drill-downs
  • Styles, Cell Properties, Databars
  • Conditional Formatting, Divergent

Ch 6: Big Data Access, Visuals

  • OLTP Databases, Big Data Sources
  • Azure Database Access, Reports
  • Import, Direct Query & Dual Mode
  • Data Modeling: Do Not Summarize
  • Data Modeling: Currency, Relations
  • Power BI Archtiecture, Eco System
  • Power BI Interface for Reports
  • Stacked Chart, Clustered Chart
  • Line Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart
  • 100% Stacked Bar & Column Chart
  • Map Visuals: Tree, Filled, Bubble
  • Small Multiples, Legends, Axis
  • Cards, Funnel, Table, Matrix
  • Scatter Chart : Play Axis, Labels
  • Waterfall Chart, Multi Row Cards

Part 2: Power Query, Cloud (Service)


  • Power Query M Language Purpose
  • Power Query Architecture and ETL
  • Data Types, Literals and Values
  • Power Query Transformation Types
  • Table & Column Transformations
  • Text & Number Transformations
  • Date, Time and Structured Data
  • let, source, in statements @ M Lang
  • Get Data, Table Creations and Edit
  • ETL Operations with Power Query
  • Merge Transformations in Power BI
  • Join Kinds: Inner, Outer & Apply
  • Union All Transformation & Appends
  • Power Query Editor, Step Edits
  • Close & Apply Options. Report Design


  • Query Duplicate, Query Reference
  • Group By and Advanced Options
  • Aggregations with Power Query
  • Transpose, Header Promotion
  • Reverse Rows and Row Count
  • Data Type Changes & Detection
  • Replace Columns: Text, NonText
  • Advanced Query Edit Options
  • Replace Nulls: Fill Up, Fill Down
  • Pivot, Unpivot Transformations
  • Move Column and Split Column
  • Date & Time Transformations
  • Derive Year, Quarter, Month, Day
  • Add Column : Query Expressions
  • Query Step Inserts and Step Edits


  • Big Data Loads : Parameter Queries
  • Creating Parameters in Power Query
  • Parameter Data Types, Default Lists
  • Static & Dynamic Lists: List Queries
  • Convert Tables to Lists, Use Cases
  • Linking Parameters to Queries
  • Testing Parameters with Canvas
  • Multi-Valued Parameter Lists
  • Creating Lists in Power Query
  • Converting Lists to Table Data
  • Invoke Function, Type Conversions
  • Function Query & Parameter List
  • Columns From Examples, Indexes
  • Conditional Columns, Expressions
  • Disable / Enable Data Loads


  • Power BI Cloud Components
  • App Workspaces, Report Publish
  • Reports & Related Datasets Cloud
  • Creating New Reports in Cloud
  • Report Publish, Report Uploads
  • Report Edits and New Reports
  • Report Actions: Downloads
  • Dataset Usage Options in Cloud
  • Dashboards Creation and Usage
  • Pining Visuals and Report Pages
  • Visual Pin Actions in Dashboards
  • Dashboard & LIVE Interactions
  • Media Tiles: Images, Custom Links
  • Q & A Option with Dashboards
  • Pin with Q & A; Standard Visuals


  • Report Actions : Share, Subscribe
  • Report Actions : Lineage, Embed
  • Report Actions : Export Options
  • Report Actions : Public User Access
  • Dashboard Actions : Share, Subscribe
  • Dashboard Actions : Themes, Lineage
  • Dashboard Actions : Share, Subscribe
  • Favorite, Insights, Embed Code
  • Gateways Configuration, PBI Service
  • Gateway Types, Cloud Connections
  • Gateway Cluster, Add Data Sources
  • Data Refresh : Manual, Scheduled
  • Power Query Parameters, Gateways
  • DataFlows, Power Query in Cloud
  • Lineage, Share, Subscribe, Insights
  • Performance Inspector& Gateways


  • Workbooks : Excel Online & Pins
  • Power BI Apps: Creation & Usage
  • Power BI Segments, Content
  • Navigation Screens, Audience
  • App Publish, Verification & Edits
  • Export, Share & Subscribe
  • List View & Lineage View Options
  • Power BI Scorecards: Realtime Use
  • Paginated Reports – Design & Usage
  • Power BI Report Builder Tool
  • Microsoft Report Builder Tool
  • Report Builder : Datasets, Charts
  • Report Builder : Bar Charts, Fields
  • Report Builder : Creating RDL Files
  • Paginated Reports : Deployments

Part 3: DAX & Report Server

Ch 13: DAX Functions – Level 1

  • DAX : Importance in Real-time
  • DAX Data Types, Syntax Rules
  • DAX Measures and Columns
  • ROW Context and Filter Context
  • Operators, Special Characters
  • DAX Functions, Vertipaq Engine
  • DAX Cheat Sheet : Expressions
  • Data Analytics with DAX
  • DAX Measures : Expressions
  • Data Models: Fact, Dimensions
  • Detecting Relations for DAX
  • Star & Snowflake Schemas
  • Data Modeling Options in DAX

Ch 14: DAX Functions – Level 2

  • Quick Measures in Power BI
  • Average and Filtered Average
  • Running Totals, EARLIER( )
  • CALCULATE Function Conditions
  • ALL Members Scope & IN
  • Account and Time Calculations
  • Star Rating, DAX Expressions
  • Data Modeling Options in DAX
  • 1:1, 1:M and M:1 Relations
  • Working with Facts & Measures
  • Modeling : Missing Relations
  • Relationships & Importance
  • Modeling : Relation Management
  • Modeling with Multiple Keys

Ch 15: DAX Functions – Level 3

  • DAX : Variables and Expressions
  • Dynamic Expressions, RETURN
  • Current Value, Previous Value
  • FORMAT Function with DAX
  • RELATED, Joins in DAX
  • DAX Expressions with SQL DB
  • Time Intelligence Functions
  • Date Dimension : Generation
  • Date, Time and Text Functions

Ch 16: DAX Functions – Level 4

  • RLS: Row Level Security
  • Data Models in Power BI Desktop
  • DAX Roles Creation and Testing
  • DAX Expressions & Operators
  • PBIX Uploads: Power BI Cloud
  • Dataset Security with DAX Roles
  • Entity Sets and Slicing in DAX
  • Dataflows with Power BI
  • Analytical Reports – DAX Usage
  • Creating Data Models with DAX
  • Datasets in Excel and Dashboards
  • Using Excel Analyzer in Power BI
  • Power BI Data Source in Excel
  • Connection Strings and Refresh
  • Analytical Reports – Limitations

Ch 17: Power BI Report Server

  • Power BI Report Server Config
  • SQL Server Instance Verifications
  • Report Server DB, Temp Database
  • WebService & WebPortal URL
  • Uploading Interactive Reports
  • End User Report Share (pdf)
  • Power BI Desktop RS Tool
  • Interactive Reports: Report Server
  • Mobile Reports : Design Options
  • Mobile Reports : Grids, Elements
  • Mobile Reports : Uploads, Edits
  • Paginated Reports : Deployments
  • Paginated Vs Interactive Reports
  • Paginated Vs Analytical Reports
  • Paginated Vs Mobile Reports
  • Power BI Report Server Vs Cloud

Ch 18: Power BI Admin & AI

  • Power BI Cloud Management
  • Power BI Admin : Alerts
  • Workspace Management, Users
  • Security: Report, Dataset Levels
  • Security: Dataset, App Levels
  • Security: Workspace Options
  • PBI Performance Inspector
  • Power BI & Artificial Intelligence
  • Power BI & CoPilot Add-Ins
  • AI Visuals & Big Data Analytics
  • Smart Narrative and Q & A
  • Infographics, Icons and Labels
  • Key Influencer Visual in Power BI
  • Metrics Visual, Performance
  • Paginated Reports Visual

Power BI : Realtime Project (Sales – Retail)

Phase 1 : Basic Report Design

  • Project Requirement Analysis
  • Requirement Gathering, FSA
  • Report Design with Excel
  • Basic Data Modelling
  • Infographics, Histograms
  • Analytics and Formating

Phase 2 : SME Level

  • Report Design with SQL DB
  • SQL Database : Joins, Views
  • Dual Storage Mode, SQL Queries
  • Data Modeling, Power Query
  • Dynamic Connections, Azure DB
  • Parameters and M Lang Scripts

Phase 3: Deployments (Cloud, Server)

  • DAX Requriements, Analysis
  • Cloud and Report Server
  • Custom Visualizations
  • 3party Visuals & REST API *
  • Project FAQs and Solutions
  • One – One Resume, Mock Interview

SSRS (Reporting Services) Training Plans

Plan A


Plan B


Plan C

3. Power BI
Total Duration1.5 Weeks4.5 Weeks8.5 Weeks
SSRS Installation, Configuration
SSRS Groups, Sub Groups
SSRS Chart Reports
Dashboards, Actions, Bookmarks
SSRS Deployment
Report Server Management
Mobile & KPI Reports
OLAP Cube Reports
Basic SQL, SQL Server
SQL Server Architecture
SQL Server T-SQL Concepts
Joins, Queries, Stored Procedures
ADF : Azure Data Factory
ADF : Data Imports, ETL
ADF : Data Flows, Wrangling
ADF : Transformations, ETL
Synapse: Configuration, Loads
Synapse: ETL with ADF, DWH
Synapse: Performance Tuning
Normal Forms and RAID
Power BI Report Design
Power BI Desktop, Custom Visuals
Data Modelling with Power Query
Data Modelling with DAX
Power BI Cloud, Excel Analysis
Power BI Mobile, R, REST API
Power BI Datasets, Data Flows
Cube Reports in Power BI
SSRS Migrations to Power BI
Total Course Fee*INR 7000USD 100INR 12000USD 150INR 24000USD 325

SQL Server & T-SQL Schedules

S NoTime (IST, Mon - Fri)Start DateTrainerRegister
16 AM - 7 AM Nov 11thMr. Sai PhanindraRegister
29 AM - 10 AMNov 26thMr. Sai Phanindra Register
310 AM - 11 AMNov 5thMr. Sai PhanindraRegister
37 PM - 8 PMNov 18thMr. Sai Phanindra Register
58 PM - 9 PMOct 23rdMr. Sai Phanindra Register

SSRS Training Schedules

S NoTime (IST, Mon - Fri)Start DateRegister
19:30 AM - 10:30 AMMar 18thRegister
25:30 PM - 6:30 PMMar 27thRegister

Power BI Training Schedules

S NoTime (IST, Mon - Fri)Start DateTrainerRegister
18 AM - 9 AM Oct 23rdMr. Sai PhanindraRegister
26 PM - 7 PMNov 5thMr. Sai PhanindraRegister


24x7 LIVE Online Server (Lab) with Real-time Databases.
Course includes ONE Real-time Project.

Technical FAQs

Who is SQL School? How far you have been in the training services ?

SQL School is a registered training institute, established in February 2008 at Hyderabad, India. We offer Real-time trainings and projects including Job Support exclusively on Microsoft SQL ServerT-SQLSQL Server DBA and MSBI (SSISSSASSSRS) Courses. All our training services are completely practical and real-time.CREDITS of SQL School Training Center

  • We are Microsoft Partner. ID# 4338151
  • ISO Certified Training Center
  • Completely dedicated to Microsoft SQL Server
  • All trainings delivered by our Certified Trainers only
  • One of the few institutes consistently delivering the trainings for more than 8+ Years online as inhouse
  • Real-time projects in
    • Healthcare
    • Banking
    • Insurance
    • Retail Sales
    • Telecom
    • ECommerce

I registered for the Demo but did not get any response?

Make sure you provide all the required information. Upon Approval, you should be receiving an email containing the information on how to join for the demo session. Approval process usually takes minutes to few hours. Please do monitor your spam emails also.

Why you need our Contact Number and Full Name for Demo/Training Registration?

This is to make sure we are connected to the authenticated / trusted attendees as we need to share our Bank Details / Other Payment Information once you are happy with our Training Procedure and demo session. Your contact information is maintained completely confidential as per our Privacy Policy. Payment Receipt(s) and Course Completion Certificate(s) would be furnished with the same details.

What is the Training Registration & Confirmation Process?

Upon submitting demo registration form and attending LIVE demo session, we need to receive your email confirmation on joining for the training. Only then, payment details would be sent and slot would be allocated subject to availability of seats. We have the required tools for ensuring interactivity and quality of our services.

Please Note: Slot Confirmation Subject to Availability Of Seats.

How am I assured quality of the services?

We have been providing the Trainings – Online, Video and Classroom for the last EIGHT years – effectively and efficiently for more than 100000 (1 lakh) students and professionals across USA, India, UK, Australia and other countries. We are dedicated to offer realtime and practical project oriented trainings exclusively on SQL Server and related technologies. We do provide 24×7 Lab and Assistance with Job Support – even aftrer the course! To make sure you are gaining confidence on our trainings, participans are requested to attend for a free LIVE demo based on the schedules posted @ Register. Alternatively, participants may request for video demo by mailing us to Registration process to take place once you are happy with the demo session. Further, payments accepted in installments (via Paypal / Online Banking) to ensure trusted services from SQL School™

YES, We use Enterprise Edition Evaluation Editions (Full Version with complete feature support valid for SIX months) for our trainings. Software and Installation Guidance would be provided for T-SQL, SQL DBA and MSBI / DW courses.

Why Choose SQL School

  • 100% Real-Time and Practical
  • ISO 9001:2008 Certified
  • Concept wise FAQs
  • TWO Real-time Case Studies, One Project
  • Weekly Mock Interviews
  • 24/7 LIVE Server Access
  • Realtime Project FAQs
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Placement Assistance
  • Job Support
  • Realtime Project Solution
  • MS Certification Guidance